
Tuesday 7 May 2013

Witch side of the screen?

On witch side of the screen do you want to be? Be honest, when you spend 5 hours a day (and maybe more) listening to tv, do you really think that you'll be the one to be invited on tv?

Having a life and making it good will get you on tv. Not the opposite.

You choose what you want. No ones will choose for you.

If you want to be someone that deserve to be on tv, then you'll have to cut as much as you can the time you spend listening to it. It's simple, you choose on witch side of the screen you want to be.

I was a big listener of tv. I would flip channel until I would find something that I would like. Sometimes, I would spend 3 to 5 hours listening to stuff I wasn't that much interested to listen to. But it was the only thing I found at that time. Now, I try my best to listen only to stuff I like. I use recording and paid program to choose only what I want to look at. This has cut my tv listening in two.

When I'm on my computer, I like to listen to audio book. I play the cd in my dvd player and listen to them on my tv. This helps me to get my positive time each day.

You can find a lot of great audio book on YouTube for free. Or you can get a cd pack on Amazon.

Tv tend to waste your time if you're not careful.

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